Springrock Farm
Middle Tennessee Breeders of Registered Jacob Sheep
Hello and welcome to Springrock Farm! We are the Bakers, a Christian homeschooling family of 7 who also happen to raise Jacob Sheep. We live on 53 acres in a hollow of Middle Tennessee with numerous springs and lots of lime-stone, hence our name.
Knowing nothing about sheep, we brought our first Jacobs home in March of 2003, a flock of 7 yearling ewes from Indiana. Why Jacobs? We have them mostly because they were made available to us through a flock reduction, but also because, after some research, they appeared to be an easy, useful breed. Our flock has proven this to be true. Not once have we regretted investing in them. Our family has grown to love our sheep and their seasons: shearing, lambing, growing, culling, slaughtering, breeding. It is now largely our children who carry out the tasks set forth by the head shepherd.

In the management of our flock, we have decided to maintain a closed flock, only bringing in registered breeding rams and not purchasing new ewes. While other flocks may contain numerous registered prefixes, ours will largely be just “Springrock.” We find it exciting to “improve” a particular ewe through breeding. Whereas one ewe may have had poor horns, now her bloodline is consistently producing strong 4 horns, the same with fleece quality. We only breed full yearlings and older and only once annually in the fall. We have always culled heavily, with priorities lying in disposition, fleece quality, horn quality, breed standards for color, and ease of lambing and mothering in ewes. We register our flock with the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association and only purchase rams from registering breeders.

We hope that you enjoy investigating our site. If you have any further questions or are interested in any of our sheep or their products, please contact us. We would be thrilled to talk to you!

Paul and Molly, Lucy, Ezra, Silas, Daisy, and Eliza Baker
Come see our fleeces at the
Fiber in the Boro